On earth as they are in heaven.....1

Over the years we have received some very special requests. One customer asked if her deceased dad can be included in the portrait, as her father passed away before her baby was born. Grandpa never got a chance to hold the new born baby in his arms. We took up the challenge and create our first family caricature with a deceased love one, and the rest is history....

The 2nd request came, asking the deceased mom to be included in the portrait. However, the additional request is to draw her in the healthy self, but the latest photos are mostly laying on sick bed looking frail. Therefore, we ended up using her early photos as reference, and with some imagination, recreate a healthy looking mom in her old age, as if she was still alive.

Other requests kept pouring in, Christmas gift to mom with deceased siblings, memorial gifts of deceased love ones.....each with specific request and one by one, their dreams came to life, in the form of caricature. The most recent is a wedding theme family caricature with the deceased father. It's a way to kept the memories alive by having a precious gift to remember them by. 

Savor every moment in life, one caricature at a time.

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More gift ideas and stories  https://www.caricaturestory.com/personalized-gift-ideas