Save the Date Caricature - LGBT Theme Custom Wedding Invitation

I love the world of caricature because it is a place without discrimination, judgement or hatred, it's a world where we celebrates the uniqueness of every individual, embrace the differences and pour out our heart and soul to create that one perfect gift for each person. And that, is the perk of our job.

One of the recent work that we really enjoy is this special wedding present to a couple. The brief is to include some prominent landscape that shows the city they are moving to, and the map of 2 different countries they came from. 

We decided to include the restaurant, Trattoria Nervosa as part of the background as we figure the venue of the wedding dinner could be memorable and meaningful to the couple. In the process of drawing the buildings of the city of Toronto and the restaurant, it was actually a lot details than I expected and was really time consuming. The thought of how the couple would be so happy to receive this precious gift kept me going through the late nights.

It took at least 2 days to get the draft done and a couple of days on coloring process for final details to be added. When I looked at the finished artwork, it was definitely worth all sweat and tears, the results where amazing ! These are the joyful moments that kept us motivated and go the extra miles to make the dreams possible.

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